If you are a resource maker, or simply you want to share your creations on this website, you can do it!
Now, the question is "how?"
First of all, you should visit PBuilder Resources policy before anything goes wrong.
Now you have to send me a PM through the Platform Builder forums [My name is Antikore]
Then upload your resources there and specify in each one this three things:
Title/Name: E.g: Magma Rock Tileset
License: E.g: Free for use, Credit needed, Credit recommended
Author/s: All the authors of the resource, if it's an edit, please, name the original creator of the original resource.
Disclaimer: Any problem with the authors of a resource (Name of someone that didn't create that resource or some author is not named at the resource) will fall on the person who shared us the resource, only if that person also didn't name it.
Go to the platform builder forums